"There are other matching games and other flashcard apps out there, but none as versatile and as near to my therapy philosophy as “Articulate It!”" Patricia Mervine, SLP
Description: Articulate it! is a unique multi-player application created specifically to help children improve their speech sound production. Designed by a certified speech-language pathologist, Articulate it! contains over 1000 images selected for working on English consonant sounds at the word and phrase level. Perfect for all levels of articulation/phonology therapy; potential targets include consonants, digraphs, and consonant clusters. Articulate it! is compatible with the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad making it the perfect app for the busy speech-language pathologist, teacher, or parent.
Data Collection: When the session is
complete, a simple touch to the home button and confirmation tap brings
the app to the reports function. A touch to the red arrow beside the
student’s name brings up the data for that session. The data includes:
date of practice, target phoneme at which level, percent accuracy and
number of words attempted. In addition, there are buttons for
“recordings,” “words,” and “notes.” Tapping on recordings brings up the
student’s recordings during that session. The Words button provides a
list of the words attempted that session and the Notes button brings up
any notes that may have been written about the session.